Saturday, October 4, 2014

Speaking of food waste

Speaking of food waste

The images of Arias Canete eating a yogurt expired on television have already taken many turns. Like that article in which (for some) the Greek authorities seemed to have gone mad, forgetting the very important principles of food safety that you worked hard to achieve in Europe and allowing the sale of food outside their freshness date (which unexpired, everything fits say). This is not the place (not wanting the author, and not for any other reason) for a concise analysis of the differences in legislation and between expiration dates and durability; and even less for a reminder of the dangers and risks that the confusion between the two concepts may entail. However, it may seem that the crisis has taken us back to the past, from here we believe there is much yet to learn what and what advance. Authorities have seen, companies and citizens (or consumers, all told) they soon will.

According to the most important FAO report on this issue, discussed on these inputs, 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted annually. This is one third of annual global production. Of course, not everything is a result of the actions of a few, and both businesses and consumers are walkers at this juncture. Since 2011 the FAO published its damning report prepared by the SIK Swedish center, authorities worldwide were put to work and head into action. Parliament, European Commission and most member states (not yet enter the western Atlantic and increasingly Near East) put this issue at the center of its strategic priorities. The fact is that we raise our voices when Greece takes very clear and accessible to the media measures (not call sensationalist) but little talked about the publication of that document that the Commission (DG SANCO for being purists) we want to explain that “Best before …” does not mean the product is unsafe, but merely not have the expected quality. Document which, incidentally, is aimed at citizens and also, still, to companies.

The thing continues to forward, and hope to take decisive and strong strategic, policy and legislative decisions for the coming years. Social movements in countries like Britain are gaining a lot of strength, and low long until strategies such as Carrefour move to the center of the attention of the consumer (and citizen), but before they do the institutions. Anyway, we promise to keep and keep you informed on this blog.

Speaking of food waste

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