Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"As if you could Jesus live nailed to the cross": The date on which Ayrton Senna died

on 1 May 1994 rises one of the most charismatic Formula 1 drivers of all time in the cockpit of his Williams-Renault. Focused as always wants to Ayrton Senna also on this sunny day, the Grand Prix of Italy at Imola, only one thing: victory


on 1 May 1994 rises one of the most charismatic Formula 1 pilots. of all time in the cockpit of his Williams-Renault. Focused as always wants to Ayrton Senna also on this sunny day, the Grand Prix of Italy at Imola, only one:. Victory

However, Pedro Lamy marred the start and slams into the car of JJ Lehto. The following is a Safety Car period until the fifth round.

Senna remains after the restart the lead. Before his pursuers he shoots in the extremely fast Tamburello curve. However, no steering movement can be seen and the car of the Brazilian rushes over the side strips and …

… is only slowed down by the boundary wall. In the collision, the front right wheel breaks off, …

… where a strut of the suspension dissolves and pierced by Senna’s helmet.

The immediate medical care, the helicopter flight to the Maggiore Hospital of Bologna, all in vain, …

… Senna did not stand a chance. The official time of death is fixed at 18.40 clock.

The Formula 1 had lost her greatest son. a, the death of Senna was particularly true, was Michael Schumacher (2nd from left) .

He was a fan of Senna, estimated the Brazilians. He in turn knew that arose in him Schumacher a serious competitor.

The race on 1 May 1994 in Imola, Schumacher won. For him to this day a victory with bitter aftertaste. “I was for a time no longer sure if I can be a racing driver and wants to continue, whether I can continue as before,” he said two weeks after the horrific crash. Senna, Formula 1 World Champion of 1988, 1990 and 1991, not only in Brazil was a folk hero. The fatal accident persecuted millions of people worldwide live on TV, which swelled the shock wave immeasurable. Brazilian President Itamar Franco ordered after Senna’s death a three-day state mourning. But how could it ever come to the accident? When departing Senna raced 321 km / h over the 5.04 km long circuit. As the telemetry data revealed he crashed at 214 km / h in the wall. A broken steering column had caused the accident well. Supposedly Senna had demanded their reconstruction itself

The then chief designer Adrian Newey admits today an error in the construction of the accident car.. “I had charged me by the aerodynamics of the car, the where the car window at ground clearances, worked, was too small. “

” Our car was not very good in Imola. We had trouble to define a reasonably acceptable ground clearance, “said Newey, Sebastian Vettel for the now Red Bull team . works

“Ayrton complained of understeer and oversteer – the usual symptoms of such a problem.” On the day before the accident he had Senna said, “that we know the solution to our problems and that he would soon have a better car.”

After the death of Senna, the Italian judiciary was investigating Newey for manslaughter . In the following trial, the Briton was acquitted of this charge. The reason for the accident a bad design by Newey on the steering column of Williams is mentioned again and again. “What exactly happened, I do not know, though it has been chewed over and over again in court,” Newey are now on record. But who was this actually is and what Ayrton Senna made his charisma? “One day the good Lord wanted to create the perfect racing driver He put his all into the cradle. Talent, courage, supernatural reflexes, selfishness, ambition, ruthlessness, …

… high intelligence, instinct , foresight, intuition, perseverance, endurance, bite, hardness, deceit, malice, technical intuition, sensitivity, asceticism and charisma, “wrote one journalist colleague once. “And then he called him Senna.”

Unforgotten are the duels at McLaren, which he delivered with his teammate Alain Prost. The duel of the “synonym for cruelty under teammates, “was in 1989 ensued between Prost and Senna.

Never before was rivalry of such deep enmity been marked as that of the French and Brazilian. Over the years, the fighting cocks of McLaren fights delivered to the knife.

When was Prost Senna Grand Prix of San Marino outdated, smelled Frenchman a violation of substantive equality. Also, after the constellations of driver and vehicle had changed, the arguments were the two further discharged on the slopes.

For the spectators, this rivalry was a never-ending fun. For Prost and Senna it was a game with life. During this time Senna had grown beyond the boundaries of the sport to a national idol.

As the clear leader of the pack in the industry had its opponents greatest respect for him. As soon as he showed up with his yellow helmet in the rear view mirror, …

… made a lot of drivers almost voluntarily place …

… not in a collision with the to be implicated as tough applicable McLaren star.

But Senna had also a human and spiritual side. Since time immemorial, he sat down with foundations …

… for the fight against poverty in his homeland – the people loved his national hero for …

… he brought but every other Sunday a little fun in the daily lives of Brazilians.

It is not surprising that the death of Senna’s particularly worried in his home for mourning. Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone rückblickendl said. “It was as if someone had Jesus nailed to the cross live”

After the body of the fallen hero from Italy had been transferred to Sao Paulo, …

… lined at the state funeral Senna’s over a million people, the streets of the South American metropolis, …

… to prove the Formula 1 ace their last respects.

Today Ayrton Senna stands in a row with a Formula 1 size as Juan Manuel Fangio (right).

Many racers have tried since 1994 to take over the helm of Senna.

Unfortunately, he was most too large

In this respect remains for the exceptional racer …

… even 20 years after his death, especially one.: …

… admiration. And which finds its expression not least on the cars of Formula 1

Even the nephew of the heroes, Bruno Senna, did not make it in the footsteps of his uncle and …

. .. had to sit during his time in the premier class in the name of the great Senna. Helped it has nothing.

His idol he always drove just behind. Like so many others. – Picture series

"As if you could Jesus live nailed to the cross": The date on which Ayrton Senna died

The best bodybuilding exercises to progress as a swimmer


To succeed as a swimmer must train not only swimming, but muscle strength and power are essential for good performance, therefore, the work of the muscles should not be overlooked. Here we show the best bodybuilding exercises you can add to your routine to progress as a swimmer .

The main muscle to work in the gym to get benefits back swimming areas are , abdomen, chest and arms. For exercise, we can use the following movements fitness :

  • Superman or lumbar extension
  • , which works well as lumbar flexors hips and abs. We can do it on the ground, or sobre fitball to provide more instability, which helps mimic the movement in the water, during which we also need the help of stabilizing muscles.
  • low pulley rowing on rowing or horizontally bar , to work your back muscles as the latissimus dorsi, trapezius and deltoid, and also apply the effort of the arms.

  • Bridge lateral change to a hand with support , who works the transverse abdominis, the rectus abdominis and obliques, and secondarily requesting the work of back muscles and arms, especially if we do it with dumbbells in hands. You can ver technique implementation for Viton .

  • Lateral Raises leaning forward trunk or bird calls the effort of the muscles that make up the shoulder joint and , upper back exercises.

  • ejerciciosnadador

  • Pull-over to help you develop chest muscles as the major pectoral while works the latissimus dorsi of the back.

  • Isometric Abs or abdominal bridge requesting the effort ball and abdomen while stabilizing muscles working. For more instability can be performed on balls, with one of the supports on fitball or bosu.

  • Pushups to work triceps and pectorals. It can be done with your feet on fitball for added intensity and difficulty. During the same belly participation is also requested.

  • Press inclined legs that enables you glutes, quads and hamstrings while you exercise too hip flexors.

can include these exercises to your regular fitness routine to progress as a swimmer . Remember that in addition to working with large loads to develop maximum strength, it is also useful to work muscular endurance and speed of force, for which you can perform these specifically designed to exercise explosive strength movements.

Certainly for a comprehensive work that allows you to gain strength, improve performance and prevent injuries, it helps muscle exercise. So do not forget these movements to advance fitness swimming

Viton |. Vitónica answered: how should we combine swimming with weight training
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The best bodybuilding exercises to progress as a swimmer

Monetary Fund: IMF help Ukraine with $ 17 billion

Washington – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released loan assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 17 billion dollars (12.3 billion euros) for two years. This was decided by the Executive Council of the Organization on Wednesday in Washington.

The money should help to restore the financial stability of the country and to set long-term economic growth in transition, said the IMF. Twelve billion dollars were provided as new credit help, five billion should be refinanced. $ 3.2 billion were placed immediately in view, including two billion domestic help, the report said. The IMF expects claims to be that after the release of additional financial support in the amount of approximately $ 15 billion from other international springs flow into the economically and financially troubled country.

The IMF calls from Ukraine in return for the loan assistance far-reaching economic reforms. The transitional government had already announced mass layoffs and painful social cuts.

The European Union had already released in mid-April a billion euros of financial assistance to Ukraine . The EU foreign ministers also decided to delete almost all customs duties for goods from Ukraine. With the far-reaching waiver of import duties is anticipated a part of the planned association agreement. Among others, the EU sweeps 95 percent of tariffs on industrial products and 82 percent of tariffs on agricultural products. The EU grant of one billion euros to flow along with previously approved 610 million euros in the budget of Ukraine. However, this is the introduction of political and economic reforms.


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Monetary Fund: IMF help Ukraine with $ 17 billion

NSA affair: Government blocked Snowden-interrogation in Germany

Berlin – Whistleblower Edward Snowden is obviously not heard in Germany. The Federal Government is, according to one opinion for the NSA committee of inquiry, quote from the multiple media, from the other hand. The Chancellor’s Office and the ministries involved justified this for information on the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” with a danger of “state interest” .

The relations with America were economic – can foreign and security policy to hear of paramount importance, the whistleblower on German soil lead to “severe and permanent loads,” reads aloud “SZ” in the final draft of writing. The NSA investigation committee had up to this Friday asked the federal government for an opinion whether, and under what circumstances Snowden-examination would be possible.

The government argues according to the information, a hearing Snowden in Germany “would run major political interests of the Federal Republic Germany contrary “. If you can arrive the former intelligence officials, the U.S. secret services would thus “at least temporarily” restrict cooperation with the German services. After a preliminary report in the “Bild am Sonntag” stressed the government, the USA are a constitutional state in which there is a valid arrest warrant against Snowden. Also protection by Asylum come for Snowden out of the question because the American legal according to the government considered was not a victim of political persecution, but an offender.

Greens want to go to court

In response to the reports have the Green announced, if necessary by means of the Federal Constitutional Court force the hearing before the NSA investigation committee of the Bundestag. On Thursday next week the charge Snowden should be enforced because of the minority rights of the opposition, announced the Green MEP Hans-Christian Ströbele . Should the federal government denies this, the transition to Karlsruhe’ll begun.

The Committee Chairman Patrick Sensburg (CDU), told the news agency dpa, it lies not in front of the position of the Government. But he stressed: “If they actually come to the conclusion that a survey in Germany is not possible, then the issue Snowden is not done for me.” In the case of a hearing by video may be foreseeable and even a possible later examination in Russia .

Snowden is wanted by the U.S. authorities on arrest warrants. Should he not be extradited to his home for a visit to Germany, this would deteriorate the bilateral relations. The uncovered by Snowden spying the NSA in Germany has burdened the relationship between the two countries. On the other hand, Europe and the U.S., given the Ukraine crisis again amplified by cooperation. Snowden has provisionally received asylum in Russia. Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived on Thursday in the USA where it is President Barack Obama meet.


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NSA affair: Government blocked Snowden-interrogation in Germany

A young galaxy surprises astronomers for their adult behavior

Madrid. (EP) -. Scientists have discovered a Young Galaxy acting in a mature manner unexpectedly . The galaxy, called S0901, is turning a typical leisurely way to the more developed galaxies like our Milky Way spiral.

“Usually, when astronomers analyzed galaxies at an early age, is find that turbulence plays a much more important than it does in modern galaxies role. But S0901 is a clear exception to this pattern, “said James Rhoads of Arizona State University, Tempe, lead author of the research, that will appear in the May 20 edition of the Astrophysical Journal .

In the light of this galaxy has taken 10,000 million years to reach us through space , so we are seeing when I was relatively young.

The discovery was made using the Herschel Space Observatory, a mission of the European Space Agency, with important NASA contributions. “This is a really surprising result that reminds us that still do not understand many details of the evolution of the Universe. Instruments like Herschel help us understand this complex history,” said Paul Goldsmith, Herschel project scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA.

When galaxies form, accumulate mass because its gravity attracts external vast clouds of gas. As the clouds of gas entering a particular galaxy fall into random orbits. These messy roads cause turbulence in the host galaxy, which may lead to the formation of stars.

To investigate the internal conditions of the galaxies in formation, Sangeeta Malhotra and Rhoads, also of Arizona State University and his colleagues focused on two young galaxies, one S0901.

a cosmic magnifying glass Studio

Using a cosmic magnifying glass known as gravitational lensing The researchers got a better view of galaxies. An instrument of Herschel, the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI), was able to collect the signature of ionized carbon, revealing the movement of molecules of gas in galaxies. This movement was much softer than expected in S0901 Galaxy.

The results for the second galaxy also hinted also a quiet rotation, but were less clear. “Galaxies 10,000 million years ago were producing stars more actively than at present,” says Malhotra. “Usually, they also show more turbulence, probably due to gas accumulating faster that modern galaxy. But here we have cases in which an early galaxy rotation combines the calm of a modern active star formation with their partners. “

More observations with telescopes should help reveal whether other galaxies ways behave similarly, or if S0901 is oddly ahead of its time.


A young galaxy surprises astronomers for their adult behavior

Aymen flash from May 1 decision

decision as a justification of AYM exhaustion of domestic remedies have showed. AYM on 24-04-2014 on May 1 celebrations in Taksim Square is not permitted because of the freedom of expression, the right to hold meetings and demonstrations held on the grounds of a violation of an individual application did not accept. By consensus to the decision taken AYM as a justification of domestic remedies exhaustion have showed.

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Aymen flash from May 1 decision

In the experiment on himself to full life: fears out, life purely

Five days Dauerkiffen, …


Five days Dauerkiffen, …

… four weeks drinking level, …

… one months eating, until the doctor comes: …

… With its spectacular self experiments (here with extreme sportsman Joey Kelly) splits Jenke of Wilmsdorff years tempers


only to look from the outside to the themes for his reportage is not enough for television journalists – would instead deep into the reality of life of the people, soak Wilmsdorff to the he is. For example, in a self-experiment as a homeless person. The polarized: for some of the 47-year-old is a vain self-promoter with a penchant for sensationalism, …

… the other a dedicated frontier worker who is not to fine, for his research, the to leave role as an observer and to plunge right into the action. For example, by a week taking part in the daily life of a Hartz IV family in Berlin-Marzahn of Wilmsdorff. Would sympathize

Or, as it probably has to be to be old and frail in this country. ‘ / p> Since 2001, he slips on the RTL show “Extra” in a variety of roles, rehearsing already with Daniela Katzenberger gender Exchange – last year finally got out of Wilmsdorff with “The Jenke experiment” its own format.

Whether fan or foe: Even his worst critics have ungrudgingly acknowledge that the man has neatly eggs in his pants. What he proves again and again to visit here in the contaminated Fukushima on the anniversary of the disaster

But that was in his own words is not always the case. “I was the child who was afraid of everything,” says von . Wilmsdorff about his childhood and youth

his way to the man he is today, is characterized by Wilmsdorff therefore in his new book for: “Who Dares Wins” is half biography and half Guides p> “My story shows that it is very rewarding when instead of fear more and more positive energy will be released,” the author writes in the preface

And in fact. It decreases from Wilmsdorff that he lives his dreams and has overcome most of his fears. Although the crossing in a nutshell along with African refugees to Lampedusa is likely to be a vital experience for the less well-off.

But that is not at all well. The point that would set of Wilmsdorff, is that if you have only once overcome his baser instincts, (here meets the journalist inhabitants of the Kazakh city of Semipalatinsk, in the immediate vicinity decades thousands atomic bombs were tested) …

… a blessed life itself to the most hostile places and in the most unlikely situations with experiences that you would never do in everyday life.

“We usually waste a lot of energy just us our dreams small and dissuade, by us the dangers and risks for their implementation in mind lead, “writes of Wilmsdorff and advises:”. benefit we our life time to be fulfilled, rather than dominate us from fears and allow to slow down ” What’s eventually lose? – Picture series

In the experiment on himself to full life: fears out, life purely

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The UB closes Romance Philology title for lack of students

Universitat de Barcelona (UB) deleted degree Romance Philology from the next academic year. After the adaptation of studies to the European Higher Education, Barcelona was the only university in Spain that kept this title. Now go away. “Take off the title, but no studies,” says Gaspar Rosselló, vice chancellor for academic policy and quality of the UB. The university is committed to keeping the art in Romance Philology as a journey into another title. Has not yet defined the new offer, but could be included in Hispanic Studies, says this rector.

The reason for the closure of the title is none other than the small number of students. According to the Secretariat of Universities and Research, the eleventh year students were enrolled in first grade. “And then much abandonment occurs, this June will graduate about six people,” continues Rosselló. Students who are already enrolled in this degree may finish the race, but no new students will be admitted in September, reported yesterday The diari de l’educació. Faculty of Philology reorganize titles offered for the academic year 2015-2016 with the commitment to maintain the contents of Romance. At present the faculty welcomes about 3,000 students and has ten undergraduate degrees. The Complutense University of Madrid, with more students, has five titles on offer, put exemplary from the faculty to justify “the need for change.” The UB has campaigned to promote the title of Romance Philology in the institutes and the Salo de l’Ensenyament, but demand has soared. Romance Philology is the title with fewer applications of this university. Some studies that have been an example of scholarship and the title have been missing him wise as Martin Riquer, but that the current system does nothing to encourage. In general, except philology-English-attract few students in universities. The UB is the only faculty of Catalunya with high-with the exception of Romanesque enrollment. The data consists of the Generalitat this course enrolled 43 students in Catalan Philology at the UB-unless in Classical Philology, 47, and 109 students in Hispanic Studies. But 13 students in the Autonomous Catalan Language and Literature, and in the University of Girona this title attracted 18 people enrolled. But not unattractive to students, philology are less necessary, insist from universities. The Secretariat of Universities and Research set the condition to keep the grades matriculasen a minimum of 40 students, or 20 in the case of strategic studies, and philology. Romance has failed to make the cut. The students have started a petition on to continue the degree.


The UB closes Romance Philology title for lack of students

Partner Yildiz and Kobolov - Who are the men behind the Burger King empire?

Burger King: “Because it tastes better!” This former slogan is likely many of the company’s employees seem like a joke, since the RTL report “Team Wallraff – Reporter undercover” on Monday evening untenable hygienic conditions in five different Burger King outlets documented. They belong to the Yi-Ko Holding from Stade, which in May 2013 bought from the U.S. company, the Burger King GmbH together with its 91 restaurants. A year earlier the fast food chain had gone for the second time on the stock market and heralded a radical change of course. Within a short time the Americans wanted all branches, they still led in-house sell to franchisees. Thus came into play Yi-Ko

The goal:. 500 restaurants

was the company from Stade in one fell swoop largest franchisee of Burger King Corporation in Germany with the acquisition. How much the paid previously unknown Holding, nothing came about in public. However, the holding company undertook to rebuild nearly 60 stores within 18 months and to open more restaurants.

Here you find a list of the restaurants of the Yi Ko Holding.

Countless germs at Burger King?

same time seems Yi-Ko in every nook and cranny to save. Shortly after the takeover, the union urged the Food and restaurants (NGG), Yi-Ko will do business structures overridden reported “AGHZ” , a portal for gastronomy. The fears seem to come true: For months, local newspapers reported anywhere in Germany on grievances and often incomprehensible redundancies. Also in the RTL report was described on Monday as the management of the holding is unpleasant staff under pressure, so that they leave the company.

But who is behind the four letters Yi-Ko? They stand for the last name of their owner and CEO: Turkish origin Ergün Yildiz and Russian Alexander Kobolov. Kobolov is one of the largest Burger King partner in Russia. The objective of both is to open more than 500 restaurants in Germany and Russia in 2017, reported the catering business newspaper “Food Service”

video. How to roast your own delicious burger

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Partner Yildiz and Kobolov - Who are the men behind the Burger King empire?

Duplex house turned scythe


Suggest taken into custody during a search in his house, in his own handwriting after release from prison Keep a diary kept by notes in the bag and with a large number of paper used in lawn mower motor scythe were also found. Police Canan Oner on the possibility of being killed in this house with a special chemical called a trail of blood on the walls and furniture. Canan Oner work before marriage and after the bank where he worked in the position in the company is being investigated. Fransa’da Suggest seven years in prison for the Kenan been silent.

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Duplex house turned scythe

Do you like sex, Mr. Lebowski? Let's go bowling, Dude ...

“I am not Mr. Lebowski, I am the Dude! …


” I am not Mr. Lebowski, I am the Dude! …

… Or “His Dudeness”, …

… or “Duder” or …

… “El Duderino”.

Jeff Bridges IS the Dude, let there be no doubt, and that is so, flickered since the film by the Coen brothers in 1998 for the first time on the big screen.

To date, this is so!

And that is why celebrated

colleague Julianne Moore finds it inconceivable that Jeff Bridges then get an Oscar for his portrayal of the brilliant daydreamer.

Jeff Bridges himself is modest because (he’s just still the very best!!): …

… “At that time I just enjoyed going to work. It was as if a childhood dream come true: The Dude does what he wants ” • The American version of Pippi Longstocking so

Not quite, because the dude does make very adult things: He likes to drink White Russian, …

… what you like his fans know urgently needs cream, …

… he smokes like the occasional joint, also in the car and in the bathtub, …

… and He relaxes in whale songs, …

… most like after and before the bowling with his buddies Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) and Donny Kerabatsos (Steve Buscemi).

At the bowling alley, the true philosophy of life is replaced, and because more than 25 years people around the world so filled with joy, …

.. they meet …

… and do it their models after

The film’s success can be really easy to explain. He has everything. Reminiscent of the film noir of the 1940s, detective elements à la Raymond Chandler, ……

… memories of Ethan and Joel Coen them to a well-meaning producer, the young directors, script writers and producers helped with the entry into the film business and the allegedly similarly casually dressed like the Dude.

In addition, there are some guest and cameo appearances (Flea of ​​the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aimee Mann, for example, ) of more or less famous stars and starlets and musicians, …

… there is a tiny bit of porn (with Asia Carrera) …

just to name a few

The film is certainly so popular that adult people are not stupid – Dean Martin, Elvis Costello, Gipsy Kings, Eagles: and “The Big Lebowski” has a formidable soundtrack. , …

… to throw himself into perverse clothes …

… to, as here, the “Lebowski Fest LA Bowling Party” in Fountain Valley ., California, …

… to be their respective idol really close

The best: …

… Jeff Bridges …

… can it be taking …

… celebrate. In the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles, he took a few days to before.

And since he and his wife Susan (here at the premiere of the film) is still happy, let’s assume that he is not private too has much of the Dude. (Soe) – Picture series

Do you like sex, Mr. Lebowski? Let's go bowling, Dude ...

Home education is essential for your pet now!

pets ownership in the selling or her caregivers, animal welfare, according to the host, meeting their ethological needs and health care are liable.
These people, animals resulting from environmental pollution and to other people harm or discomfort preventive measures are obliged to take; measures must compensate for any damage arising.
These people are obliged to take part in certified training programs. Untrained persons, domestic animals thousand penalty will be given to those who buy. Unclaimed or debilitated animals the law as mandatory, except where killing is prohibited.


Animals tortured for two thousand pounds, threatening dogs uncuffed and leash circulate those 500 pounds fine given that, in sexual intercourse 3 months to 2 years imprisonment receivables.

new arrangement pet-shop animals other than fish and birds in the sale is prohibited. Dogs and cats as pets now only producing farms can be taken.
Sub-Commission Pitbull, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasilerio such dangerous dog breeds, hybrids with the production, possession, country entry, the sale brought to the desired prohibition lifted.

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Home education is essential for your pet now!

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RTL show: Burger King responds to Wallraff unveiling

Cologne – On the research behind the scenes at the Burger King branches of the Yi-ko-Holding GmbH also the leaders of the fast-food chain will have even more to swallow a while. The loss of image could hardly be greater. The mission “Team Wallraff – Reporter Undercover” was broadcast on Monday night and illustrated impressively, how negligent the burgers roasting food handlers .

On Tuesday went Burger King finally on the offensive. They had the mission of “aggressively pursuing,” said a company spokesman . The allegations from the contribution were “very worrying”.

The uncovered abuses contradict in any way the obligations, “which we have dedicated ourselves in relation to food safety and product quality in our restaurants,” the report said. The uncovered abuses are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. That the openly expressed dissatisfaction may not be enough to regain the trust of customers, about those in charge are obviously aware. The Group wanted to develop an “action plan” with the criticized franchisees and their General Manager Ergun Yildiz, assured the spokesman This plan see a repetition of training for staff and management before, “to ensure that all relevant policies and procedures are adhered to.” The Holding Yildiz had the last year, more than 90 Burger King taken branches and cocky announced innovations. “We have to be excited by the opportunity, the largest Burger King partners in Germany and to make a decisive contribution to the growth of the brand in this important market., We will invest heavily in the remodeling of the existing restaurant portfolio and restaurant network in the significantly expand the coming years. “

Instead, the company fell due to violations of labor law. In the social network many users give their outrage about the conditions in the restaurants expression.


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RTL show: Burger King responds to Wallraff unveiling

Monday, April 28, 2014

+ + + The big Germany Ticker + + + - Murder Trial begins in Worms - 40 years after the fact

Not all stories make it into the main messages even though they deserved it. And so far, not even on the homepage, the mobile sites and apps in the FOCUS Online. That changes now, we start the big Germany ticker. Here you will find in the future events from every corner of the country

40 years after the fact: Murder trial against 70-year-olds start

04.45 clock -. Worms: More than 40 years after the deadly raid on an innkeeper in Worms begins on Tuesday the trial of the alleged perpetrators. The 70-year-old is accused, according to the Mainz District Court to have the host attacked and killed from behind. He is said to have committed the offense in 1971, in order to get gold coins and cash. The investigation was therefore resumed, after 2009, reported a witness in Australia. The end of 2012 the Mainz prosecutor brought new charges, according to court. The man has already been convicted in Mainz and in the North Rhine-Westphalian Hagen for two homicides to life imprisonment, which he served until now

thief knocks store detective -., And is taken a little later

02.52 clock – Rostock: A shoplifter has two people slightly injured in the city of Rostock. The 26-year-old wanted to leave the store on Monday afternoon with his prey, as the store detective stopped him. Then the offender struck the detective with his fist against his neck. A colleague, he shoved to the ground, like the police in Rostock announced. The 26-year-old fled, but could be a little later arrested by the police. Because he wore on his foray a knife with him, will now be investigation for aggravated robbery against him.

Lethal crash at motorcycle driving hours on the highway

Tuesday, 29.04.2014, 00.05 clock – Hannover: A Driving student has fallen on the highway 352 towards Hamburg with her motorcycle and was seriously injured. The 34-year-old was advised on Monday afternoon in the green strip on the center plank shortly before departure Langenhagen Kaltenweide and had then lost control of the motorcycle, such as the police in Hanover announced. She was seriously injured and had to be flown by helicopter to a hospital. The highway was closed for about an hour

man is after attempted rape woman pushed out of windows have

20.18 clock – Lünen. A 33-year-old from Lünen is suspected to have encountered an acquaintance from a skylight after a rape attempt. In fact, on Sunday morning, the 22-year-old fell eight feet deep on a meadow. Badly injured, she was taken to a hospital Lüner.

The incident came after a night of partying together. Victims and perpetrators had met through a friend of the accused. According to the 22-year-olds, the 33-year-old is said to have tried to rape her in the apartment. Previously, he had threatened her with a knife and wounded in the neck. When the 22-year-old wanted to flee to the roof of the house, the man had pushed her down. The man had already asked on Sunday after a short flight to the police, such as the Dortmund prosecutor’s office announced on Monday.

traveler wants to Rügen and lands in Duisburg

19.30 clock – Duisburg: With the wrong address in the navigation device a traveler from Hamburg is in the Duisburg inner harbor rather than in their holiday home landed on Rügen. Apparently, in the firm belief to have arrived on the Baltic island, it was before Easter in the travel agency at the seat of her tour operator appeared and had the booked hotel want to check, as a spokesman for all route reported on Monday. There turned out that she had the address of the tour operator specified in their Navi instead of the address of the hotel as holiday destination of their route.

Instead, she had always further away from their destination. More than 650 kilometers separate Duisburg and Rügen. From Hamburg it would not have been half as far. She turned and checked according to the tour operator’s late at night in their hotel on the Baltic island a

Internet Deprivation -. 14-year-old snapped completely off

17.30 clock – Eschbach: Because his father had locked up the Internet router, a 14-year-old boy in the Baden Eschbach is disengaged. According to police on Monday he beat on Sunday his mother and fired at them with a toy gun. Also on the boy’s father went off. Because the parents did not know what else to do, they called the police. The officers were able to calm 14-year-olds. Injured he had not his parents. The justified the caps of the Internet connection with the gambling addiction of the boy. Up to 18 hours he shall add the information after each day with internet games spent in front of the screen have

child falls on piers into the water – rescuers pull it out of Elbe

16.37 clock – Hamburg: A child has fallen on Monday afternoon at the St. Pauli Landing Bridges to the Elbe. How to police, rescue workers found the child a little later. How is he and how it could come to the accident is still unclear

Chinese forgets 24,000 euro cash

15.47 clock – Baesweiler / Aachen. His own caution has cost a Chinese businessman in Baesweiler at Aachen 24 000 euros. How much money did the 24-year-old man in cash while attending a business dinner on Sunday. A police spokesman said on Monday, the bills were in a leather bag, to which the man sat at dinner in order to hide them from the other guests. However, it occurred to him even after eating only on the drive home the bag again. When he came back to the restaurant, the money was gone and he called the police.

The official’s neither the business partner, nor the staff could remember a leather case, said the police spokesman. Despite the unusual story he did not believe to be the victim of an impostor Chinese: “We believe that’s true.” The businessman was “in the evening” traveled back to China. Now running an investigation for theft or lost property.

20-year-old stabbed to death in a dispute

15.25 clock – Saarbrücken: A 20 year old man has been stabbed to death during an argument near the main station Saarbrücken. An hour later took investigators determined the alleged stabber. The 23-year-old was presented according to the Saarbrücken police on Monday before a judge. “He is a suspect strongly,” said a spokesman for the authority. First investigation has shown that it had come on Sunday in a group of five to six people to the scuffle. Here, the 20-year-old received a stab with a knife under the armpit to the heart. He was even taken to the hospital, but there could only find his death. The police grabbed the suspects so quickly because they had an accurate physical description.

bees alarm in downtown Cologne

14.33 clock – Cologne: Bees alarm near Cologne Central Station: In the Marzellenstraße apparently are several beehives crashed out of a tree – Now here is a huge swarm of aggressive insects on the way, reports the “Kölner Express” . An eyewitness said: “As in a horror movie!” Alerted the police immediately rushed to the danger point, passers-by are now kept away from the tree to the buzz around the bees. Several Cologne to have been attacked by the bees. A beekeeper was called, he shall now defuse the situation as possible. Currently, there is, however, according to eyewitnesses worse by the minute

priest under suspicion of child porn

12.40 clock – leek home. After the suspension of a priest because of the suspicion of possession of child pornography is shocked the Catholic community in Leek Home (Ostalb). “He was a popular priest,” said a spokeswoman for the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart on Monday. The news of the investigations against the clergy was a shock to the Catholic community. Last week, the police had the house of the priest searches and evidence secured. Bishop Gebhard Fürst had suspended him then. The priest had come into the sights of the investigators, because his name appeared on a list of the Federal according to the prosecutor.

cap instead of helmet: Motorradfaher fatal accident

10.45 clock – Saarbrücken: Because he a cap instead of a helmet on the head wore a motorcyclist died in an accident in Saarbrücken. The police announced on Monday morning, the 32-year-old driver was on Sunday afternoon with a non-approved motorbike. The cap on his head his undoing: You blew away by the wind, he turned and, therefore, went off the roadway. The driver then crashed against the outside wall of a residential house and a lamppost. Although immediately after the accident first responders were on site, the 32-year-old died on the way to the hospital from his injuries.

snack ablaze – three people dead

10.30 clock – Duisburg: firefighters have discovered three dead in fire-fighting operations in the residential and commercial building in Duisburg. The corpses were found in the early hours of Monday in a top floor apartment is two adults and a child, police said. Neighbors were woken by a falling neon sign of two and a half story house and had alerted police and firefighters to 02.30 clock.

Upon arrival, the fire department burned a snack on the ground floor ablaze as a spokeswoman described. The fire had already spread to the staircase and destroyed the wooden stairs. With two ladders tried the firefighters to rescue people out of the house. It is hypothesized initially that four people could be in the burning residential and commercial building. The cause of the fire and the cause of death are not yet clear.

cyclist beats on a pedestrian

09.12 clock – Pössneck : A pedestrian has been beaten by a cyclist. The 49-year-old had this pointed out on Sunday night to the lack of lighting on the bicycle. Then stopped the cyclist, threw his bike in the direction of the pedestrian and pulled up a part of his clothing. Shirtless he struck the pedestrian with his fist in the face. The 49-year-old fell to the ground and then had to be treated in hospital. The cyclist disappeared. The police investigation Unknown on suspicion of assault

div 07.39 clock – Troistedt. Strong rains have in parts of Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia for Sunday traffic delays and full basement overflowed taken care of. Especially Troistedt hit it hard, there, the streets turned into rushing streams


stone hits woman on the bus

06.52 clock – Berlin: A 63-year-old man has a stone thrown by a bus windows in Berlin-Grunau and so hurt a woman. Then he waited on Sunday evening until the alerted police could arrest him. The 35-year-old woman had to be treated according to the police because of a head injury. It is still unclear why the man threw the stone and why he did not flee.

23-year-old woman in her apartment stabbed Rostock

06.30 clock – Rostock: A 23-year-old is dead late on Sunday evening in her home district in Rostock Luetten Klein been found. Apparently she was stabbed. After dpa information it should have been a Beziehungstat in affect. A 29-year-old man was arrested as a suspect urgently. Further details were not immediately be made.

45-year-old lurches with 4.7 per thousand at the wheel

Monday, 04.28, 06.01 Clock – Lorsch. A 45-year-old is at Lorsch ( Kreisberg road) was caught behind the wheel with 4.7 per thousand. The woman was struck on the highway 5 on Sunday evening by their unsafe driving, police said in Darmstadt. When the officers they controlled in a parking lot, they already noticed the smell of alcohol. A test was then surprised even the policemen: The 45-year-old had sat in the car with the unusually high alcohol level of 4.7. Against women a criminal complaint was lodged.

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The PKK kidnapped two sergeants

Tools stopping identity control group of PKK supporters engaged the security forces intervened. Attacking security forces with stones and fireworks group with teargas gendarme teams tried to deploy. During the event, which lasted until late PKK supporters, is located in one of the vehicles stopped two sergeants kidnapped. Protesters with the group of gendarmes appeared yesterday morning re-events. Gendarmerie attempt to open the sealed road and on the group’s opposition in the incidents, tear gas, sound grenades, Molotov cocktails and fireworks were used. Discarded and the courses nail the handmade sound bomb explosion nine soldiers were wounded.

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The PKK kidnapped two sergeants

Private healthcare is not more efficient

drivers of private management of public health services aim to convince their efficiency to impose a model in which what counts is the turnover although that may affect the right to health protection. This speech contains weaknesses, as no independent study that assessed this model as an alternative to public provision essentially known. Rigorous evaluation of health policies without conflicts of interest in this approach leaves a leap of faith because there is no evidence to support such claims.

However, there is evidence to the contrary. In the UK, where the model of private provision is more widespread, references criticized for being a more expensive system, due to the need for suppliers to obtain benefits are numerous; rapidly in capacity and a reduction in the number of professionals is produced and gets worse health outcomes.

The public systems like Spain are more oriented to achieve a high degree satisfaction and health for all citizens are more equitable and ensure cohesion among people and territories. In addition, correct market failures in health care because, unlike what happens in the purchase of other services or products, there is a clear asymmetry in the information it produces inequality and limits the ability of decision.

This means that private health care providers involved for what they define as health needs of their patients (customers), so that in practice much affects the freedom of choice, one of the essential rules Marketplace. In addition, attendance may contain some beneficial or undesirable effects in terms of population, as with the inverse selection of patients, loss of immunity for some vaccines or overdiagnosis. Essentially, comprehensive private management, which applies in Valencia, implies, if only in theory, greater cost control, admitting that the budget the concessionaires who manage business risk and never contracts is estimated will not reflect how the risk assumed by the supplier when business forecasts do not go. Do not remind you of what is happening with toll roads?

In health, it still remains difficult to close health centers and, therefore, the risk is transferred to the public payer. This has already happened in our country and may recur in the future of these privatized institutions. Repeated review of the conditions of contract will leave the government with no alternatives that fail to change the agreed rules, accepting the gains the market decide. Another element to consider is the limited number of companies capable entering this market with a clear risk of oligopoly, as the National Competition Commission has warned.

Faustino White is health minister of Asturias. The full version of this platform is available in

Health News

Private healthcare is not more efficient

The Noma snatches the first position to El Celler de Can Roca as the best restaurant in the world

London. (MarketWatch) -. Danish restaurant Noma today won the title of Best Restaurant in the World by Spanish El Celler de Can Roca (Girona) who held it during 2013 after several years among the top five of the ranking produced by the British magazine Restaurant.

Thus, René Redzepi gets the scepter of world cuisine for the fourth time, after the last edition it wrested the brothers, Joan, Josep and Jordi Roca, who in 2014 returned to second place. In addition, Jordi was voted best restaurant sweet world.

The ranking was unveiled in a ceremony tonight at the Guildhall in London, attended by renowned chefs worldwide through a countdown from number 50.

“This is madness. Which of you believed it when we were in 20th place?” Ever wonder Redzepi addressing his team, delivered a short speech on stage overcoming his “Woody Allen complex” of public speaking.

The star chef of the new Nordic cuisine and gastronomic flag naturalism has grateful to the more than 900 voters who have risen to the top of the ranking of the “50 Best” who believe in their work, and his team, before which has recognized that it is not an “easy person” to have next – his “passion and dedication”. “I can not express how happy I am,” he said.

Ranked number 3 remains Osteria Francescana Massimo Bottura in Italy, but Mugaritz (Guipúzcoa) down from fourth place to sixth, giving way to the fourth to Eleven Madison Park (New York).

Arzak, the oldest Spanish listed, remains in 8th, while Quique Dacosta Restaurant (Alicante), which last year had a significant increase, down from 26 to 24. Yet Azmurmendi (Vizcaya), Eneko Atxa, go directly to 26 and its restaurant has won the award for best sustainable property. He has also climbed the rankings, from 44 to 34, Grill Etxebarri,),

DOM (Sao Paulo) Alex Atala, low seat, from six to seven, but has been named Best Restaurant in South America and his chef voted the best by their peers. This year was not among the public who attended the Ghildhall London and appeared in a video to thank their voting peers.

The biggest rise this year was awarded to Central (Lima) , Pia Martinez and Virgilio León, who have gone from 50th to 15th, while Astrid y Gaston low Lima from 14 to 18.

In addition, Mexico lost Biko (Mexico City), which last year was ranked 31, and Pujol, Enrique Olvera and also in the capital, down from 17 to 20.

Spain it remains the country with the highest representation among the 990 considered by culinary experts and cooks as top ten restaurants in the world. El Celler de Can Roca (No. 2), Mugaritz (Renteria, Guipúzcoa) (# 6) and Arzak (San Sebastian) (# 8)

Albert Adrià has also starred in a entry, including his 41st in the 74th, while Tickets goes from 77 to 57. Madrid’s David Muñoz also joins the ranking of hundred, standing DiverXO in 94.


The Noma snatches the first position to El Celler de Can Roca as the best restaurant in the world

Egypt: 50 mummies found in a giant necropolis

Discovery in the province of Luxor, in the South, “the vast necropolis contains the remains of mummies that could être those members of the famille ruling, especially the kings son Thutmose III and Thutmose IV XVIII th Dynasty “, according to a statement from the ministry, who led the excavations in conjunction with an archaeological mission of the University suisse Basel

Remains of wooden sarcophagi and death masks were discovered at the scene, and canopic jars or canopic pieces -. these funerary vessels Pharaonic Egypt to cover form human or animal head which were deposited in the viscera of the deceased after embalming.


The review by the Swiss Mission inscriptions on the canopic allowed to identifier more than thirty names of people buried in the cemetery, including princesses previously unknown names, ensures Mohamed Ibrahim, Minister of Antiquities, in the statement.

See also class=”lire”> portfolio : Une exceptional mummy discovered in Egypt

The necropolis is located at the northwest end of the valley of the Kings, beyond the tomb of Tutankhamun, explained his side of the head antiques Luxor, Abdelhakim Karar, according to which the significance of this finding lies in the fact that new names princesses were revealed, but it took place in the Valley of the Kings which is believed that all secrets were disclosed.

Some fifty mummies, some in very good condition, are those of newborns, says an official of the Swiss Mission in the statement. Some masks and canopic also reveal that the Valley of the Kings had not only served the royal families but also for the families of priests later. The necropolis was looted several times in antiquity, the statement said.

Le – News at One

Egypt: 50 mummies found in a giant necropolis

Therapeutic cloning for a patient of diabetes

back therapeutic cloning. The old idea of ​​taking the genome of a skin cell from a patient, put in an egg and use the resulting embryo to generate stem cell cultures not only still alive, but is healthier than ever. Scientists in New York and Jerusalem just improve the technical to the point of asserting their clinical application in the near future. And they have achieved thus cloned pancreatic insulin-producing-from a patient diabetes beta cells 33. U.S. law, however, is way behind the science in this case.

Regenerative medicine has undergone a revolution in recent years with the invention of a second type of stem cell, iPS, or induced pluripotent cells, which do not require the construction of a human embryo, and that two years ago earned him the Nobel Prize for Medicine to its creator , the Japanese Shinya Yamanaka. . But neither the Nobel committee, which also awarded the prize to John Gurdon, the cloner of the first animal-and other scientists in the field have given up at any time to the original idea

As noted in Nature Dieter Egli, the Stem Cell Foundation New York , and colleagues at the Columbia University in the same city and Hebrew University of Jerusalem , iPS cells, however much they may be the future of regenerative medicine, currently fraught with pitfalls facing clinical application. “IPS cells” they write, “are often defective in their differentiation (specialization into useful cell types for transplantation), contain aberrant patterns of methylation (epigenetic modification), and acquired somatic mutations.”

A bleak picture compared to the cloned embryonic cells, which would be very close to clinical application but for the adverse legal environment. So back therapeutic cloning? “The answer is yes,” says Egli COUNTRY. “Research in regenerative medicine has focused heavily on iPS cells from developing this technique in 2007 by Nobel Prize Shinya Yamanaka and his team. However, our work shows that patient-specific stem cells derived by nuclear transfer (cloning) are a viable source for cell replacement therapies. “ Like other scientists in the field

, the team leader New York sees no reason to give up a promising line of research for the mere fact that there is another. “All of these technologies, including iPS cells and embryonic stem cells derived by cloning, remain relatively unexplored and as yet we do not know what strategy will be most useful for medicine, prefer to continue to explore all paths.”

Despite all this, Egli has not the slightest criticism of the Nobel prize to the discoverer iPS cells. Quite the contrary: “The Nobel Yamanaka has galvanized stem cell research and has attracted attention, interest and motivation toward unprecedented field to show scientists that stem cell technology has incredible potential ; is true that, at the same time, has discouraged research laboratories in cloning; but we believe that our success in this area will establish a new equilibrium, with both progressing in parallel lines. “

Another factor that has played against human cloning fraud is the famous Korean researcher Hwang Woo-Suk , whose echoes are still off more than a decade after the scandal. “Any scientific fraud creates distrust in a field of research,” says the researcher from New York, “and this is still a very real problem today as it was at the time; but that particular work of Hwang is no longer a significant factor. “

Insoo Hyun, a professor of bioethics at the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland , Ohio, says El Pais: “The excitement over therapeutic cloning is becoming, in effect, with the latest published works; although the discovery by Yamanaka iPS cells has advanced the field considerably, researchers are willing to create many specific cell lines from patients with cloning techniques, if only to compare its quality with iPS cells. ”

Do you re cloning? It seems.

Health News

Therapeutic cloning for a patient of diabetes

The pope is "very concerned" about youth unemployment in Spain and so will let you know the kings

Kings Don Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia greeted the pope Francisco during the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II. (Osservatore Romano / AP)

Pope Francisco is “very, very concerned” about the high youth unemployment rate is in Spain and so I moved to the kings of Spain, Don Juan Carlos and Sofia at the private hearing Monday will with the pontiff, said the general secretary of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), José María Gil Tamayo.

In an interview Cope , Gil Tamayo has advanced to the kings of Spain are planning to give Francisco the complete works of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, which will lead a “good catch” for the pope to come to Spain to mark the fifth centenary of the birth of St. Teresa of Jesus, he said.

Gil Tamayo reaffirmed the “special concern “having the pope with the two groups affected by” the current culture discard . “: the elderly and the young, which excludes the company

is the first time that the kings and the pope are Francisco have added that Francisco has already moved to the Spanish bishops concern about young people who “ despite being the most qualified any time in history , they are not given the opportunity to develop their potential “and are forced to migrate.

The Pope Francisco will host the kings of Spain in the Studio Classroom Paul VI , the same place where he received Queen Elizabeth II .

The meeting took place a day after the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII held this Sunday. Also, the Kings will meet with Vatican Secretary of State , Monsignor Pietro Parolin, collected as it appears on the official agenda of the Royal Family.

It will be the first time that kings and Francisco are, because in the groundbreaking ceremony of the Pontificate of Pope Francisco on March 19, 2013, the Spanish Royal Family was represented by the princes of Asturias, Don Felipe and Letizia .

Francis Pope will receive the sixth pope to the kings of Spain, Don Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, who have come for the thirteenth Once the Vatican to attend the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII.

The first time the kings of Spain were welcomed to the Vatican was in 1962, before marrying in a audience with John XXIII , one of the two popes that this Sunday will be proclaimed saints-which was attended by the king’s father, Don Juan, to request papal dispensation. Then came twice as Prince-after wedding with John XXIII and Easter Mass with Paul

also have been present in the Vatican ten times as VI-kings. In 1977 when were received by Pope Paul VI in his first hearing as kings; in 1978 on the occasion of the Mass Start Pontificate of John Paul I; and a month later, in the Mass Start Pontificate of John Paul II.

Spain has received eight papal visits of two Popes also came in 1981 during a state visit to Italy; in 1983 with her three children to a private Mass with Pope Wojtyla; in 1988 courtesy; in 1998 for the twentieth anniversary of the Pontificate; in 2000 to an audience; in 2005 at the funeral ceremony following the death of John Paul II; and a few days after the Mass Start Pontificate of Benedict XVI . They were also once received by Benedict XVI in Castel Gandolfo residence.

Meanwhile, the Prince of Asturias visited the Vatican on five occasions, the first at age 15 , within the hearing of John Paul II to the Royal Family and the second in a personal interview.

In his last three visits, Don Felipe has traveled to the Vatican accompanied by the Princess of Asturias after their wedding, when they met with John Paul II ; at Mass for the beatification of John Paul II, Benedict XVI; and Mass Start pontificate Francisco.

In addition, Spain has received eight papal visits of two Popes. Specifically, John Paul II traveled to this country five times (1982, 1984, 1989, 1993 and 2002) and Benedict XVI did three times (2006, 2009 and 2011).

The King Don Juan Carlos was baptized in Rome, where in 1938 , by Cardinal Pacelli was born a year later began his pontificate as Pope Pius XII.


The pope is "very concerned" about youth unemployment in Spain and so will let you know the kings

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A man kills his son of 19 months and injures another 5 years with a knife

man allegedly killed her son 19 months and seriously wounded his other son 5 years with a knife Sunday night in Madrid, a spokesman told EFE of the National Police Headquarters in Madrid.

At around half past twelve, 112 has received notice of the death of a child in the street Pedro Martinez, in the district of Carabanchel (Madrid).

place to have moved members of the national police, the Summa and Samur.

Summa Health found a child of 19 months stab wounds in the neck and died .

brother, a boy of five years, had a puncture wound back , apparently caused by a large knife. The child has been stabilized and moved to the Hospital 12 de Octubre in serious condition.

Sammur psychologists have treated the mother of the minors, aunt and grandmother anxiety attack and have been moved to October 12.

The alleged murderer and father of two children, from Uruguay, has been arrested by the police.

The mother, after witnessing the events, neighbors called for help , who called 112.

Check here más Madrid news .

A man kills his son of 19 months and injures another 5 years with a knife

The 32nd Bundesliga match in word and wit: "Nothing you would have to tell the women"

Hannover 96 – VfB Stuttgart 0:0

There would have been possible in Hannover – VfB coach Huub Stevens sometimes did not even want to look: “When you occur in an away game, it would you actually take longer. But we have to live with it. “

” It might have been more to it, but we would have had to take on more risk, but we did not. Now we have two finals that we so want to deny as it is today. passionately, “said Stevens

There are playoffs against a possible descent. Probably the not – but the probable loss of offensive power Martin Harnik VfB also does not prolific. Harnik was taken to the hospital after he had fallen on his left arm.

And what said Hanover coach Tayfun Korkut to draw? “We knew it would be a tough game. The game was very much influenced by the tactics. Below the line, I can live with the point. But as long as computationally nothing is certain, we are not yet saved. We just have to keep going.”

Bayern Munich – Werder Bremen 5:2 (1:2)

The Bayern won high – but only because of the second half. In the first pass, the Bremer showed with two sparkling clean countering their teeth.

“My team has gone very confident in this game, we have the rooms done very well closely,” said Bremen coach Robin Dutt.

In pass two turned the German champion on then. “Maybe we have also made them angry in the first half,” Bremen’s Clemens Fritz suspected.

A journalist asked Philipp Lahm (M.) Moreover, according to instructions for distance shots from the dugout. “Yes, we must not shoot,” said the somewhat disturbing answer. Maybe that was the error of the first half

Anyway, Pep Guardiola was pissed: “This is the first time that I’m a bit disappointed and sad about the first half (…). Madrid is a completely different game. ” He is probably right.

1 FSV Mainz 05 – 1 FC Nuremberg 2-0 (2-0)

Nuremberg stands on a direct relegation zone, but could move up in the first game after the dismissal of coach Gertjan Verbeek of the relegation place. Had

After another defeat Captain Raphael Schäfer took the new man on the sidelines in protection. “It was clear that Roger Prince is no wonder coach who just snaps his fingers and then we win in Mainz . “

Instead, it was already clear after 45 minutes, the” Club “flourished: Re-zero points. In Mainz echoed “European Cup” through the stadium and President Harald Strutz told: “We would not say no if the team is in sixth.”

coach Thomas Tuchel went into decline in praise: “I’m incredibly happy with the energy and the presence of my team and with how we played football again. This is far from normal, which is very unusual., the team earned the currently extreme. “

” Club “Coach Roger Prince was lost, however, in phrases: “We have ambitious plans, we look from game to game for us Mainz was an important game – we wanted to find a mix between defense and offense…” . Oha

TSG 1899 Hoffenheim – Eintracht Frankfurt 0:0

Frankfurt coach Armin Veh remained after the zero number soberly: “I am satisfied with the 0-0.” No wonder, because the harmony is about nothing more; not even for Veh, yes the stop end of the season at the Hesse.

In contrast to TSG 1899 Hoffenheim, which would have remained with a victory in the race for the European places. In the first half Frankfurt was better, but after the break was clearly noted the home side the will to win.

And then there was a penalty just before the end of the TSG, the fault of Frankfurt’s goalkeeper Kevin Trapp. He stopped. “I just wanted to be celebrated,” said the Hessian Keeper succinctly it. Two minutes later flew Modeste (front) from the square. The game was over, ended the European Cup dreams in Kraichgau

Hoffenheim coach Markus Gisdol made but pay attention to something else. “The real sensation is 0:0 that.” Right, because with 67 shot and 66 conceding goals is his team’s shooting of the league. In both directions

VfL Wolfsburg -. SC Freiburg 2:2 (1:0)

Twice Wolfsburg took the lead – twice resembled Freiburg. VfL wants the qualifying spot for the Champions League, the Baden wanted to finally secure the league

VfL coach Dieter Hecking hid his displeasure with left lying points – even for a goalkeeper error – behind a praise. “Freiburg has very well developed. It is not easy to defend against them. It can not be that we get the 2-2. “

The man of the moment im Breisgau is Admir Mehmedi that during his re-scoring benefited from the errors of the opponent’s conclusion: “We do it next week myself clear – or Hamburg makes it to yourself clear,” he said, alluding to a possible defeat of the hamburger. HSV, much anticipated, then lost in Augsburg. Means: Freiburg also plays in the coming season in the Bundesliga

SC coach Christian Streich analyzed. “Like so often, it has the same gerappelt (…) As my team (…. ) has come back playfully, in addition I have to say something. I am a bit proud of what has happened in recent months that the team plays along against such a strong opponent so – this is very, very beautiful. ” So only joy in Table basement? Certainly not

Hertha BSC -. Eintracht Braunschweig 2-0 (0-0)

Brunswick could have made a big step towards relegation with a win – but only made it into the first 45 minutes, the Berliners to defy. The situation was really low, because …

… Hertha had not won since what felt like an eternity – in their own stadium already the entire previous calendar year, not yet. Until Brunswick came. The Lower Saxony were mainly in the storm too harmless

Eintracht coach Torsten Dear servant is accustomed to defeat and said about the missed opportunity. “. Simply accept so and ready” And was then still a little talkative: “We hook the defeat from, because, unfortunately, almost no one has found the normal form.”

Home coach Jos Luhukay was notification brave, because the negative run is over: “We are delighted that the first home victory has succeeded in the new year. ” . Congratulations

Bayer Leverkusen – Borussia Dortmund 2:2 (2:2)

Leverkusen comes under Sascha Lewandowski slowly but surely back into shape: “The guys have done really well today “praised the coach. “Light but it is not for us. Stefan Kiessling In another important player is injured we are missing., We have to rely on to be a conspiratorial clusters in the last two games.”

“There were not many typed on it, “said Bayer’s sporting director Rudi Völler, not without pride. The point may be worth at the end of the season Gold – Leverkusen should be able to defend the fourth place, the right to participate in the Champions League qualifiers

Unlucky was again Roberto Hilbert (left), his. – no statistic error – fifth penalty caused. “It’s a curse that has haunted me this season,” complained Bayers Defense

The awarded a penalty kick Marco Reus -.., And so resembled the leadership of Leverkusen

Nevertheless rejoiced Bayer CEO Michael Schade about the game: “For us, it is, compared to what we have seen in the last few months of us, was a quantum leap.” Is

A little story on the side. Eventually got Lewandowski with Jürgen Klopp together. It’s not so wild, but who said later

Because. “There was nothing you would have to tell the children or the women all without swear words.” Dortmund coach reassured

. For Hamburg it will be extremely tight. Like the other basement club also lost the HSV on the third last game. In return, four other clubs can thank: Eintracht Frankfurt SC Freiburg, Hannover 96 and Werder Bremen can thus now finally for at least another Bundesliga season schedule

Augsburg Andre Hahn plans, however, already for Borussia Mönchengladbach. for which he will wear in the coming season. However, the right wing struck again for his old club and also team mate Halil Altintop put a gate on

HSV coach Mirko Slomka was after the ice-cold shower at the FCA to. “For us it’s all about the relegation place and fought for anything else. “

” clear that the fans are pissed, but nevertheless is until the last day, “added defender Marcell Jansen HSV add another staying slogan. More had worn his coach before the game. – Picture series

The 32nd Bundesliga match in word and wit: "Nothing you would have to tell the women"