Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Nigeria: Government now talks of 200 missing pupils

information chaos after kidnapping in Nigeria

now 200 pupils missing

In Nigeria, far more students have passed since the attack on a school a week ago, missing than previously known – a Minister of State spoke of “about 200 children.” That’s what the government had previously denied – and otherwise there is further information chaos

By Jens Borchers, ARD radio studio northwest Africa

Allegedly, studied the Nigerian military feverishly in the north east of the vast country, near the town Chibok, not far from the border with Cameroon. There is a large forest area, and here the authorities suspect that the kidnapped students and their tormentors. But in a conflicting message is followed by the next. In Nigerian TV channel “TV channels” Musiliu Obanikoro looking for credible explanations for this information chaos. The Minister of State in the Ministry of Defence said: “The abduction of a child would be a huge issue, but when about 200 children are kidnapped by terrorists – then all are under pressure..”

“Approximately 200 children “- thus confirming the Minister of State almost incidentally, the number that had been denied by the Nigerian authorities. The fact that many more students have been kidnapped namely a week ago, as originally claimed. Meanwhile, should be managed more than 50 of them to escape. But concrete information about what exactly happened to the girls how they were treated by the kidnappers or how they were able to escape – there is no such information. Minister of State Obanikoro wonders instead in the television interview why the school was not like all the other closed at Chibok in the region. The local authorities had actually arranged, precisely because of the threat of terrorist attacks in the northeast.

Minister of State criticizes school management

The school management said, they would want to carry yet final exams for the students. But Obanikoro criticized: “Given the location of the school you might have thought that the authorities would relocate the tests somewhere else And do not forget:. Abduction took place at night.”

The kidnappers have not signed up to speak. But both the regional authorities and the government in Abuja are convinced that it was the Islamist sect Boko Haram. Boko Haram terrorized for years, especially the north-eastern Nigeria. The heavily armed Islamists repeatedly commit terrorist attacks. Your name in translation means “Western education is sin.” Most recently, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau in a distributed via Internet video, the responsibility for the bombing taken at a bus station in the Nigerian capital Abuja. There were the 75 people were killed and 141 injured when a car bomb exploded.

Questionable success stories in the fight against Boko Haram

About the kidnapped students Abubakar Shekau loses no word, he threatens more attacks in general. Target are often schools in the north-eastern Nigeria. Just because Boko Haram Western education holds for sin and because the sect wants to establish a theocracy in this region. For more than a year, the central government of Nigeria is going on with massive military force against Boko Haram, there prevails a state of emergency. The military often widespread reports of successes in fighting Boko Haram. And even now speaks Minister of State Obanikoro assume that the weakened terrorist group Boko Haram just wanted to attract attention “., You do anything to get attention I think what we are experiencing now, are single attacks to stay in the consciousness of the people.”

from single, isolated terrorist attacks says the Minister. Quite so sporadically these attacks are not. Since the beginning of the year already to be killed in such attacks 1,500 people. And it did not seem as would the Nigerian Army was advancing in the fight against Boko Haram. You for more than a week now looking for at least another 150 abducted students. The girls’ parents have given the lack of success now organized themselves searches.

Stand: 22.04.2014 15:54 clock

tagesschau.de – The news of ARD

Nigeria: Government now talks of 200 missing pupils

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