Monday, April 21, 2014

Stretches for dummies (V): how to train flexibility


continue with another chapter of Special stretching for dummies . We have already seen the aspectos general of stretching, some specific to the tren top , for zona Central of our body and the tren lower . Today we will focus on the work flexibility through stretching , why should we train it and how to do?

Flexibility is one of the basic physical abilities, along with strength, endurance and speed. These physical abilities are interrelated, and we work them both isolated and integrated into a whole. The specific work flexibility favors the development of other capabilities , as well as help prevent injuries and improve our athletic performance.

What we mean by flexibility?

Flexibility refers to maximum amplitude range of the joints to make a move , and depends on two factors: first, the elasticity of our muscles (its ability to lengthen and return to your starting position) and the other joint mobility ( ROM or range of motion ). Also influence both our flexibility other internal factors (genetics, body temperature) and external (room temperature).

Unlike other physical, flexibility is much greater at an early age and is seeing reduced over the years , especially from the 30.’s why it’s very important not to forget the work of flexibility in our training routine. Furthermore, a rule is higher in women than in men, so guys you should work it even more.

Athletes who perform strength training should be most interested in working flexibility : think of the guys who train much force pecs in the gym and get a nice “effect croissant ” with a huge chest but shoulders thrown forward and even some hump at worst. With strength training shortening fibers favors the working muscles, so that our movements will be restricted. All work force should be complemented by a flexible training the same muscle groups

Types flexibility

can distinguish the different types of flexibility according to different factors.

  • General or specific: overall flexibility is the corresponding joint that allows us to perform movements with large amplitude throughout our body to high mobility, while the specific is that we should work concrete joints to practice a sport or everyday activity in particular. A specific example of that would be the flexibility to work on the shoulder joint with a tennis player

  • Active or passive . in the case of active flexibility, working for ourselves without outside help, controlling shrinkage and stretching the muscles. Passive flexibility involves help from an outside source, either a device or a partner.

  • methods flexibility training


  • dynamics method : eg rocking. The idea is that we increase the range of motion of the joint through movement, muscle stretching during the process, and external assistance if necessary. It is a type of job flexibility usually done in previous warmings to sports activities, such as swings arms legs

  • method Static Active. try increasing ROM of a joint through voluntary muscle contraction, without outside help . We move at full amplitude for ourselves and maintain the position for about 15 seconds. We who exert a force through the antagonistic muscles

  • passive static method. along with the active static method, is the most widely used method because they are the lowest risk of injury involved. As in the previous method, took a joint to its full extent without pain, but on this occasion we help with an external force : a partner, a wall or trellis, a weight … Nosortos remain relaxed while the force comes from outside

  • isometric stretching method. is more effective than the previous two, but require greater physical and mental work (need some concentration). We performed a passive stretch while we apply the external force conducted a stretched muscle contraction . We maintain the position without moving for about 15 seconds

  • ballistic method.
  • the least effective of all. Rapid and rebounds to the maximum amplitude of the articulation Stretches. Since not a static phase in which the muscle remains elongated, no need for adaptation and increased flexibility is very low.

  • Method FNP or proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation: the most effective in terms of increasing flexibility in less time. We devote an entire chapter in our special stretching for dummies.

Now that you know the different methods, what is you that you use the

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Viton | Estiramientos for dummies


Stretches for dummies (V): how to train flexibility

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