Monday, April 28, 2014

The pope is "very concerned" about youth unemployment in Spain and so will let you know the kings

Kings Don Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia greeted the pope Francisco during the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II. (Osservatore Romano / AP)

Pope Francisco is “very, very concerned” about the high youth unemployment rate is in Spain and so I moved to the kings of Spain, Don Juan Carlos and Sofia at the private hearing Monday will with the pontiff, said the general secretary of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), José María Gil Tamayo.

In an interview Cope , Gil Tamayo has advanced to the kings of Spain are planning to give Francisco the complete works of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, which will lead a “good catch” for the pope to come to Spain to mark the fifth centenary of the birth of St. Teresa of Jesus, he said.

Gil Tamayo reaffirmed the “special concern “having the pope with the two groups affected by” the current culture discard . “: the elderly and the young, which excludes the company

is the first time that the kings and the pope are Francisco have added that Francisco has already moved to the Spanish bishops concern about young people who “ despite being the most qualified any time in history , they are not given the opportunity to develop their potential “and are forced to migrate.

The Pope Francisco will host the kings of Spain in the Studio Classroom Paul VI , the same place where he received Queen Elizabeth II .

The meeting took place a day after the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII held this Sunday. Also, the Kings will meet with Vatican Secretary of State , Monsignor Pietro Parolin, collected as it appears on the official agenda of the Royal Family.

It will be the first time that kings and Francisco are, because in the groundbreaking ceremony of the Pontificate of Pope Francisco on March 19, 2013, the Spanish Royal Family was represented by the princes of Asturias, Don Felipe and Letizia .

Francis Pope will receive the sixth pope to the kings of Spain, Don Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, who have come for the thirteenth Once the Vatican to attend the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII.

The first time the kings of Spain were welcomed to the Vatican was in 1962, before marrying in a audience with John XXIII , one of the two popes that this Sunday will be proclaimed saints-which was attended by the king’s father, Don Juan, to request papal dispensation. Then came twice as Prince-after wedding with John XXIII and Easter Mass with Paul

also have been present in the Vatican ten times as VI-kings. In 1977 when were received by Pope Paul VI in his first hearing as kings; in 1978 on the occasion of the Mass Start Pontificate of John Paul I; and a month later, in the Mass Start Pontificate of John Paul II.

Spain has received eight papal visits of two Popes also came in 1981 during a state visit to Italy; in 1983 with her three children to a private Mass with Pope Wojtyla; in 1988 courtesy; in 1998 for the twentieth anniversary of the Pontificate; in 2000 to an audience; in 2005 at the funeral ceremony following the death of John Paul II; and a few days after the Mass Start Pontificate of Benedict XVI . They were also once received by Benedict XVI in Castel Gandolfo residence.

Meanwhile, the Prince of Asturias visited the Vatican on five occasions, the first at age 15 , within the hearing of John Paul II to the Royal Family and the second in a personal interview.

In his last three visits, Don Felipe has traveled to the Vatican accompanied by the Princess of Asturias after their wedding, when they met with John Paul II ; at Mass for the beatification of John Paul II, Benedict XVI; and Mass Start pontificate Francisco.

In addition, Spain has received eight papal visits of two Popes. Specifically, John Paul II traveled to this country five times (1982, 1984, 1989, 1993 and 2002) and Benedict XVI did three times (2006, 2009 and 2011).

The King Don Juan Carlos was baptized in Rome, where in 1938 , by Cardinal Pacelli was born a year later began his pontificate as Pope Pius XII.


The pope is "very concerned" about youth unemployment in Spain and so will let you know the kings

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