Sunday, April 20, 2014

Selective austerity

id=”cuerpo_noticia”> began hosting the Rosés Banking. Then it was the headquarters of Bank Condal, considered the financial arm of José María de Porcioles, Francoist mayor of Barcelona. After the earthquake lived holding Rumasa, Ruiz Mateos. It was closed many years until, perhaps serving his financial past authoritarian trim, became the headquarters of the Democratic Memorial for the recovery of historical memory in Catalonia. The poor state of the building advised that no deep reforms were undertaken. Now empty, the Government has sold. The building in question, located in Via Laietana 69 and remodeled in its present appearance in 1971, has had such a troubled existence as its last tenant, the Democratic Memorial . This institution will meet its third venue in four years CiU governments. The Memorial, perhaps forced solidarity with the past, lives very much like the Republican exile pilgrimage. In the spring of 2011 it was announced that he would go to the castle of Montjuïc. A year later he advertised that there would be at the fort. Their next venue will be, apparently, the building that housed Edicions 62, in El Raval. On the occasion of each parliamentary question from the Catalan government insisted, through the mouth of the vice president, Joana Ortega, that the Memorial should be used to recover the history “faithfully fleeing revenge.” “The desire is to make a memory of all; you can not make an estate or skew history for political reasons. “

The avowed aim was to redress the political drift to the center had taken. You had to erase traces of the tripartite sectarian past and especially to open EBRDs Initiative-democratic ecumenism. But assessments aside, is easily seen that the activity has slowed Memorial in both years of executives CiU. Come on, if we do it survives on life support. That includes having “forgotten” the 80th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic, or, more recently, have passed on tiptoe, with the honorable exception of the exposure of the City of Barcelona and the Fundació Pi i Sunyer in Montjuïc, for 75 years the fall of Barcelona in the hands of Franco’s troops. And there are symbols that are trading lower. Tercentenary martyrs, victims of Bourbon attack on Barcelona, ​​enjoy, etc., commissioners and special honors, while vague memory of Republicans, with permission of the Minister García Margallo, outer space. The metaphorical cherry has been selling exsede while awaiting the final location

The Memorial is an example of selective austerity practiced CiU. Wraps the element to cut paper look and is crowned with a equidistance neat colored tie. Rhetoric must accompany: must be stressed that the decision is in the interests of efficiency and common good

That selectivity rules over all policy areas. Either historical memory or utilities. Always apply according to the mechanism prescribed rhetorically. Nothing is what it seems. No danger though Democratic Memorial is minimum. Nor should we fear for the public health system, but the government does not give explanations of what the goal of health restructuring is beginning to implement.

department Boi Ruiz-piloting this hearty counselor encourages its citizens to sign a mutual private-has decided to unify in Lleida province to 80% managed by the Catalan Institute of Health and another 20% by another public company, Health Care Management centers.

The Government denies that it be open to private capital centers, but does not clarify what kind of business is going to be. Nothing would be suspected if there were health plan in 2011 (see document Governance ICS) public health slicing it open to private capital, creating consortia “public and private” entities.

unfounded talk of dismemberment of the public if another report, this time the work of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), also dated in 2011 and disclosed by this newspaper in February 2013 – not propose the privatization of 18 Catalan hospitals . Among other topics, PWC detailing the integration of services Lleida as is now being done. But the Government insists on denying similar. The Department of Health called at the time the report “theoretical approach”, but yes, disinterested, since PWC was made by “free” way. The paper went into the detail of how radically pragmatic propose privatizing ambulance operations center and the Emergency Medical Service (EMS), with a network of thirty clinical laboratories and the Institute of Diagnostic Imaging, the great technology company that manages these services in eight hospitals of the Catalan Institute of Health. Selective austerity is there.

The Government says there is no intention of fragmenting the ICS or jibarizar Democratic Memorial. Anyway, it seems.

Health News

Selective austerity

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