Friday, April 25, 2014

Special Mother's Day: Five gifts for mothers athletes


Mother no more than a , so we love to pamper them, look after them … and we love to take care of them! The next day 4, the first Sunday of May is Mother’s Day and we bring you a few ideas for those moms athletes you have decided to get fit.

Ask gifts related to sports and physical activity is always a Hit so many mothers encourage you to get going and take care of your physique and health. Mothers who already care for and play sports, it sure gives you a rush of energy to see that encourage a hobby that we share with them. Let with that top 5 sports gifts for Mother’s Day .

A book on sport, inspiration and motivation

Many we have that we have taken the day of the book for us with the gift of mother’s day among the many options that we provide publishers. Getting in shape is more mental than physical matter, and for motivation not to relax reading a good sport can be very beneficial .

runner phenomenon is fashionable, especially among women, and we can use the pull to find a book about running to encourage our mothers to put on slippers. Most classics as do speak when I talk about running of Haruki Murakami or Born to Run by Christopher McDougall They are perfect options to find the motivation to go out and burn miles.

A sports quantifier

I can well imagine the scene: a mother coming home after your workout in the gym and his teaching very proud quantifier his family. “Look at all the calories I burned at the gym today: many more than yesterday”. Sports quantifiers are another motivation to consider when to remain active in our daily lives.

deal quantifiers is increasing, so we have much choice: Nike+ FuelBand , the latest version of FitBit, the new Pulse O2 , colorful Huawei TalkBand B1 … Here I left a comparativa . of quantifiers that came out in 2014 so that you choose the best suited to the tastes and needs of your mother

Running Shoe: women runners to power

As mentioned, the phenomenon has spread lately runner among the female audience . Gradually the number of women in racing is going up, and every day there are more girls who dare to burn shoe through the streets and parks of our cities. A good running shoes, possibly accompanied by an analysis of the footprint , they are a perfect gift for a sportsman mother. Seek a curious design to make you feel unique and special: the new 2014 are colorful as well as functional. Shopping In Jared we have a selección . of developments in race shoes for this season will be interesting

home gym: Quite versatile material

Home- gym
If jogging is not going with your mother, you can always opt for help them set up a small home gym . No need to get a lot of material effective training routine: dumbbells (if they can be with adjustable weights, much better), a mat, a fitball and elastic band are enough to get a quality workout.

And with this gift we can help them and teach them to train and spend time with them , which is the greatest gift of all

Wellness. weekend of relax

A gift is always very excited to spot a session or a weekend relaxing at a spa . Mothers apart from their normal work, have a full time job taking care of their children and family, and not more than occasionally take a break. Now we have

easy with gift boxes with which we choose the type of gift (spas, saunas, weekend wine tastings, weekend adventure sports …) and you can eat when it suits you to the recipient. The range of activities is extensive and sure there are some that fits to your mother.

And you, you have already purchased a gift? Do we encourage mothers to sports

Images |? Thikstock 1 and 2, Nike
Viton | Los children as a training method


Special Mother's Day: Five gifts for mothers athletes

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