Thursday, April 24, 2014

The highest deficit target allows Madrid to spend 300 million more

relaxation of the deficit target for 2013, in the case of Madrid, the State raised the cap from 0.7% to 1.06% in an asymmetric distribution heavily criticized by the Community and other communities-enabled the regional government of Ignacio González (PP) 300 million increase in the initial budget for fixed initially at 17.048 million, 7.7% less than in 2012.

These almost four tenths of relief-equivalent to almost 700 million euros provided to the Community will cover more heading hurry, especially health and education, in the final stretch of the course.

The regional government approved on December 5 additional expenditure of 299.9 million on those 700 million from the upward revision of the deficit ceiling.

The autonomic Comptroller General, Antonio Luis Carrasco, gave its favorable seen to finance, calling it “right”. Besides being favored by relaxation deficit target, capital financed long-term loans.

Less than a month to the end of the last financial year, the regional government “credit needs detected “to” deal with various closure operations. ” Health Counseling, still Lasquetty Javier Fernández-front-Javier Rodriguez replaced him in late January, after losing the pulse with the opposition and the white tide and give up the privatization of the management of six hospitals in the network-requested public enabling 191,238,580 euros. The next heaviest request came from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Figar Lucia, who claimed an injection of 95,751,540 euros. At some distance, followed them the Ministry of Economy and Finance, headed by Enrique Ossorio, with a request for 8.486 million euros. Fourthly it included the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Housing, Pablo Cavero, an amount of 2,567,077 euros. The last place, with 1,490,450 euros was for Jobs, Culture and Tourism, Ana Isabel Marino area. The Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Borja Sarasola responsibility was the least required. 367,129 euros

The largest item that corresponded to 92.7 million prescriptions were for program Primary Care. Within the health sector were also 24.5 million requested for Specialized Care Hospital North; 21.6 million for the Hospital de Vallecas; 15 million in the case of the Hospital del Henares; 12.5 million for the same kind of health care Hospital South; 12.3 million for the Southeast Hospital; 9.8 million for the Tajo Hospital; and 678,208 euros for Alcorcón Hospital Foundation. What was not included was the contribution of 6,784,553 euros requested by the Hospital de Fuenlabrada. The reason given by the Directorate General of Budget and Human Resources is that “pending the quantities provided as justification obligations in 2013.”

On Education, the main figure were 74,489,335 euros in long-term loans for public universities. For Complutense 19 million is requested. Contributions to companies and public bodies were 7.9 million. The acquisition of land and natural resources represented 2,567,077 euros. Meanwhile, several final judgments forced the Community to pay 2,198,616 euros to several companies who organized events to promote sports. So, corresponded to 837,471 euros compensation to Plusmatur; Eventum 433,378 euros to 3,000; 322,926 euros to Cote; 239,308 euros to Espectalia; 117,207 euros to Opentor; and 126,428 euros to Wynless, among other companies.

Also, the economic and financial management Telemadrid informed the regional government needs a treasury 16,886,000 euros. On the Record Enable Community credit provided only 7.886 million euros are included, nine million fewer orders: the executive Ignacio González understood that there was sufficient credit “applied to cover the rest”


2014, about 2.7 million red numbers are provided in the broadcasting chain, compared with 10.5 million last year. The Supreme Court last month upheld the judgment of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid, a year ago ruled that the record of employment regulation that affected 861 of the 1,169 employees of the public body.

Health News

The highest deficit target allows Madrid to spend 300 million more

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