Sunday, April 20, 2014

Some keys to progress in the gym

chico curl bíceps

Many times we wonder why we do not progress in the gym . We fail to understand what is happening or what we are doing so badly wrong for failing to take a little step in our training. Today I want to give some Vitónica key to progress in the gym .

We must be clear that the gym should be an activity that, as in other facets of our lives We must make an orderly and following a series of principles having a organización . focused on the goal we really have to advance and progress correctly over time

Some of the key to progress in the gym are:

  • Choose a goal: may seem very basic and elementary, but more and more people see that does not have a clear objective when going to the gym. We must choose whether we wish to gain muscle mass, lose fat, improve our strength, power, speed or our resistance. Given the clear objective, we can plan a good routine that achieves this objective .

  • Schedule routine before going to the gym: If you want to progress, you can not think about going to the gym and choose the exercises right there you’re going to make. It is imperative to know what exercises are going to make, how intensidad and what training volume you use for your training. It is essential to play with these variables if we are to continue to advance our goals. You can choose a sistema fullbody , torso leg or Weider routine, but it is important that you should follow a system, especially if you are beginners.

  • Apply proper periodization: can not think that every day we will go to the gym to lift the highest weight possible the maximum number of repetitions is important to apply a good periodización . in our workouts

  • Run the exercises correctly: on many occasions tried to do the exercises with a higher weight that we can actually move properly. This can lead to a stalemate, but the worst consequence is undoubtedly the appearance of lesions .

  • nourish ourselves properly: when we have an objective aesthetic especially on which we will focus mainly gain muscle or lose fat, it is important that our diet is correct. Some people eat less than they need and others are not exceeded and choose appropriate sources to achieve his goal. Viton you have multiple diets aumentar volume or definir that you must adapt to your gasto energy

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| Pequeños Basic Tips to progress in the gym


Some keys to progress in the gym

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